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Results 191 to 200 out of 223.

 Author  Title  Type  Publication Date
Helen Russell, Emma Quinn, Rebecca King O’Riain and Frances McGinnity The Experience of Discrimination in Ireland Research May 27, 2008
Metroscopia, Estudios sociales y de opinión. The immigrant Muslim community in Spain Annual Report February 1, 2011
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights The impact of the Racial Equality Directive - Views of trade unions and employers in the European Union Study May 7, 2010
Massimo Merlino The Italian (In)Security Package: Security vs. Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in the EU Article March 23, 2009
Nicos Trimikliniotis The Location of Cyprus in the Southern European Context: Europeanisation as Modernisation? Article
Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió The perception of the Catalans on immigration Other March 1, 2011
FRA The Racial Equality Directive Report January 25, 2012
Delbos L., Carlier M. (France terre d¢asile), De donato M. (Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati), Pavlou M. (Institute for Rights, Equality and Diversity) in collaboration with Poulou M. (i-RED), Gallardo A. & Martin P. (MPDL), Palmieri N. & Benassi E.(CIR) The reception and care of Unaccompanied minors Report October 20, 2010
Fundamental Rights Agency The situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States Study May 23, 2012
The Swedish Goverment The Swedish Discrimination Act SFS 2008:567 Intervention January 1, 2009

Results 191 to 200 out of 223.