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Quotas for admission/entry for employment

Key Area:
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Demographics & Economics
26/02/2012 - 12:37
Short Answer

No general quotas are foreseen. There is a procedure of invitation of foreign workers (metaklisi), where quotas are foreseen. 

Qualitative Info

According to migration legislation admission is regulated on the basis of the needs of labour market:

"The task of the Committee [constituted at the seat of each Region] shall be to prepare a report  within the last quarter of each year, which shall indicate the  existing needs in work force at the Region and the job vacancies by speciality, prefecture and length of employment, which may be covered by thirdcountry nationals. The preparation of the report must take  into consideration the criteria laid down by the joint ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 5 and the interests of national economy. This report shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, which shall expedite the delivery of the joint ministerial decision referred to in the next paragraph. This report shall also be forwarded to the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation. The decision referred to in the first sentence shall appoint the rapporteurs and the secretary of the Committee, who shall be officers of the Directorate for Aliens and Migration of the Region.
4. On the basis of the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Ministers of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, of Foreign Affairs and of Employment and Social Protection shall determine by decision the maximum number of residence permits for employment to be issued each year to third-country nationals by prefecture, nationality, type and length of employment, as well as any other necessary detail. This decision shall be forwarded to the relevant Regions, the OAED, the competent Ministries and to the relevant Greek consular authorities."

Quotas are foreseen and implemented in the case of metaklisis, where according to Article 14, Law 3386/2005 as amended by Article 5 of law 3536/2007, for jobs that cannot be covered by nationals or documented migrants already in the country (based mainly on evidence of labour shortage by the Greek Workforce Employment Organisation-OAED) at the end of each year a special committee established within the limits of the 13 Prefectures draws up an analytical report with accurate job descriptions and qualifications and sets the maximum number of residence permits for dependent work, e.g. for the year 2011 this number was set at 24.071 for the whole of the country.


Number 24071
% of general workforce 0.6
Official or estimates Official
Main groups/skills Agricutlure, domestic work
Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market
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