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Practical obstacles and evidence of problems and differential enrollment rates for migrants?

Key Area:
Discrimination, Equality
23/02/2012 - 14:36
Short Answer
Qualitative Info

In general, foreign pupils are underrepresented in the higher secondary education (´Gymnasium`, ´Realschule`) and at the same time overrepresented in lower education (´Hauptschule`, ´Förderschule`) and in evening classes as well as integrated comprehensive schools.
Kindergardens, schools and other institutions of education exert a significant influence in the way they are dealing with persons of different social backgrounds. Because of their institutional structure, programmes, underlying rules, ways of communication and routines, these institutions can contribute to the manifestation of social differences in levels of education and in access to higher levels of education (Migazin 2010). According to the umbrella anti-discrimination organisation advd (Antidiskriminierungsverband Deutschland), more than 10 per cent of all registered discrimination complaints refer to the area of education. Other organisations, such as AMIGRA (anti-discrimination department within the Munich municipality), or the Berlin anti-discrimination body LADS (Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung) observe an increase in discrimination in the area of education (Peucker 2010, 18).

More qualitative research on institutional discrimination in the field of education is necessary.

The Bertelsmann Foundation evaluated Germany’s integration policy in a study in 2011. It found deficits, inter alia, in the area of education, and criticised especially the unequal burden to access the education system. Success in education is significantly dependent on the origin and social status of the child (Schraad-Tischer et. al. 2011, 9-10).


Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
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