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Is there evidence that migrant/minority groups face especially serious problems in accessing housing of an acceptable quality?

Key Area:
Housing & Segregation
01/02/2012 - 17:06
Short Answer

Yes. The divergences between the migrant and majority population might be a result of the fact that the area of housing holds a significant high degree of discrimination.

Qualitative Info

In general, persons with a migration background usually have less square metres for their disposal; in owner-occupied housing as well as in rented flats. Especially persons with a Turkish migration background show a high number of persons per household compared to the majority population as well as compared to other households with a migration background.
It can be observed that persons with a migration background usually live in less preferred neighbourhoods than persons without a migrant background. Furthermore, a much higher percentage of persons with a migrant background live in houses with more then three living quarters or even twelve living quarters than persons without a migrant background, who more often live in one- or two-family houses.
Other indicators for quality include sanitary installations, heating systems and balcony or garden. With exception of access to a garden, no major differences could be observed between migrant and non-migrant groups. Lastly, quality in housing is more expensive for persons with migration background (6,2 €/m²) than for persons without migration background (5,9 €/m²).



Groups affected/interested Migrants, Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, National minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Housing
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