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Is there evidence of significant disparities between the number of racist incidents and crimes reported and the numbers of racist incidents and crimes recorded by police authorities?

Key Area:
Policing - Law Enforcement - Justice
Racism, Discrimination
11/01/2012 - 18:25
Short Answer

There is no data available concerning racist incidents and crimes.


Qualitative Info

There is no data available concerning racist incidents and crimes. But there is evidence of disparities between the number of  incidents and crimes reported and the number of incidents and crimes recorded by police authorities in general.

According to statistics of the Department of Justice, only 24% of incidents and crimes would be reported to the police authorities, and only 16% would be recorded as a complaint. For example, only 8% of insults that represent the majority of offences would be reported to the police authorities, and ​​only 3% would be recorded as a complaint by the police authorities.

Groups affected/interested
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Policing - law enforcement
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