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Are there formal policies and practises associated with this integration strategy?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
09/01/2012 - 17:40
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

From the 1st of January 2007, migrants wishing to settle in France must sign a one-year "contract of welcome and integration" (« contrat d’accueil et d’intégration ») with the state (it can be renewed).

 This contract is a true integration tool as it allows each new arrival to receive following   services for free:

a civic education (principles and core values ​​of French society);
language training;
help in job search;
• general information about France.

The regional prefect also establishes a program of integration of immigrant populations at a regional level.

In 2008 the Government launched the operation "Lets open school for parents for the successful integration".

Temporary accommodation centers host and prepare the integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in French society.

The Government aims at facilitating the job search on arrival in France (experience evaluation, agreements with economic actors, etc.).

On the 27th of December, 2007 the national framework agreement concerning immigrant women that aimes at promoting the integration process, prevent and fight against discrimination was adopted.

In 2007 a framework agreement that aimes at promoting academic success and equality of opportunity for young immigrants was signed between the department of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Cooperative Development and the Ministry of Education.

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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