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Overall numbers of racist & hate crime

Key Area:
Racist violence - Hate Speech Statistics
13/03/2012 - 18:52
Short Answer
Qualitative Info

In 2009, the police recorded 858 reports of an offence containing suspected offence/offences motivated by racism. The most common types of incidents were verbal insults and threats or harassment (290), assault and battery (373) and damage to property (86).


In 2009, the police recorded 83 reports of an offence containing suspected offence/offences motivated by the victim's religion. Victim was a Christian in 44 incidents, a Muslim in 14 and a Jew in 10 incidents. Verbal insults and threats or harassment (35) were the most common type of incident, followed by damage to property (21).


In 2009, the police recorded 32 reports of an offence containing suspected offence/offences motivated by the victim’s disability. The most common type of incident included verbal insults and threats or harassment (13). Assaults (7) were the next common type.


In 2009, the police recorded 31 reports of offence containing suspected offence/offences motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Assaults were the most common type of incident (16) and verbal insults and threats or harassment the next common type of incident (12).


(Source: Hate Crime reported to the Police in 2009)

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Exemplary cases
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Poliisin tietoon tullut viharikollisuus Suomessa 2009