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Is self-identification of individuals/groups a criterion for recognition and respect of minority or ethnic cultural linguistic religious groups' rights by the state/government?

Key Area:
Public Life, Culture, Sport & Media
Discrimination, Equality
27/02/2012 - 11:32
Short Answer

Yes, for the Sámi, with the requirement that certain other conditions specified in legislation are also met.

Qualitative Info

According to the Act on the Sami Parliament, Sámi means a person who considers him-/herself a Sámi, provided that: (1) he/she him-/herself or at least one of his/her parents or grandparents has learnt Sámi as his/her first language; (2) he/she is a descendent of a person who has been entered in a land, taxation or population register as a mountain, forest or fishing Lapp; or (3) at least one of his/her parents has or could have been registered as an elector for an election to the Sámi Delegation or the Sámi Parliament.

Groups affected/interested National minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political participation
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