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Is there a formal national strategy on the integration of migrants/minorities?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
13/03/2012 - 17:50
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

The national strategy is in the form of a law, namely Act on Promoting Integration. It entered into force on 1.9.2011.


The Act on Promotion of Integration provides that every migrant receives basic information about Finnish society, including information about working life, the service system and measures promoting integration. Migrants also have the opportunity to get an initial assessment of one's preparedness concerning employment, study, language training and other aspects of integration. Initial assessment is arranged automatically to unemployed migrants and to those registered as jobseekers and those receiving social assistance. Initial assessment may also be initiated to migrants requesting it, if they are deemed to require it. Following the assessment, a personal integration plan is drawn up, if the migrant is deemed to require one.


The integration plan is drawn up in order to acquire a sufficient command of Finnish and/or Swedish and other skills and knowledge that are required in society and working life.  The integration plan is also there to promote immigrant’s opportunities to play an active role in society as an equal member of society. The municipalities and the Employment and Economic Development Office are responsible for drawing up the integration plan. In the integration plan the regional Employment and Economic Development Office has the duty to outline measures and services supporting job seeking and promote employment. The municipality has the duty to engage in other measures promoting integration and training. As integration plans are municipality based services, programmes and plans can wary from one municipality to another.

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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