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Quotas for admission/entry for employment

Key Area:
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Demographics & Economics
10/02/2012 - 12:27
Short Answer

In 2010, 22,659 residence permits for working were given to people both from EU/EEA and the rest of the world. 10,649 residence permits were given to people from EU/EEA and 12,010 residence permits were given to people from the rest of the world.

Qualitative Info

In 2010, 22,659 residence permits for working were given to people both from EU/EEA and the rest of the world. 10,649 residence permits were given to people from EU/EEA and 12,010 residence permits were given to people from the rest of the world. There is no restrictions in the form of a max. limit to the issue of permissions.

% of general workforce
Official or estimates
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