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Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Demographics & Economics
19/02/2012 - 00:40
Short Answer

From 89200 to 142000.

Qualitative Info


The World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples ( estimates the sunny muslims in Cyprus to be   18% of the population.

This figure presumably represents the Turkish Cypriot community, which according to this source amounts to 142,000 (18% of the total population), as opposed to 89,200 (10% of the total population) estimated by the Republic’s Statistical Service. The difference in the two figures perhaps lies with the fact that the Republic of Cyprus does not recognise as Turkish Cypriots those persons of Turkish origin who were granted nationality by the unrecognised ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ in the post – war period. There are very few Muslims in Cyprus who are not Turkish Cypriots.

% of country population
Official or estimates
main ethnic/religious groups
Groups affected/interested Muslims, Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D) Islamophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas
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