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Do migrants have a higher risk of poverty than the rest of the population?

Key Area:
Health And Social Protection
Discrimination, Equality
13/01/2012 - 17:07
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

A survey on the rights of migrants carried out by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee in 2006, 41.8% of the migrants survied believe that their standard of living and remuneration is comparable to the national average. Some 29.3% of migrants consider their salary higher or more than double than average, 14.8% say their standard of living and remuneration is lower or significantly lower than country’s average. Only 17.2% of women compared to 36.1% of men consider their remuneration higher or much higher than Bulgaria’s average. A total of 25.4% of women and only 8.8% of male migrants, on the other hand, determine the standard of living as a lower or significantly lower than average.

Source: Research of the Rights of Migrants in Bulgaria from a Human Rights Perspective, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, November 2006.

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Health and social protection
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