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Affected group with particular difficulties in purchasing or renting property of own choice

Key Area:
Housing & Segregation
Discrimination, Equality
12/01/2012 - 17:48
Short Answer

Roma, refugees

Qualitative Info

The Roma face the worst instances of the housing market characteristics such as deteriorating condition of the housing stock, no system for housing subsidies, and difficulty in accessing mortgage loans due to their low purchasing power.

The most significant difference in the ownership structure between Roma and non-Roma is the greater dependency of Roma on municipal / state-owned housing, where 15 per cent of Roma live in public housing, while only 1 per cent of the surrounding majority did.

The low personal income and the high unemployment rate of the majority of the Roma ethnic group and the refugees living in the towns or cities prevent them from affording the purchase or renting property of their choice. For a period of one year the State provides financial assistance for housing to those of the newly recognized refugees who attend courses in Bulgarian language.

Groups affected/interested Refugees, Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Housing
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