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Outreach - encourage participation - Practical obstacles or problems for migrants in exercising their right to vote

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
Discrimination, Equality
16/03/2012 - 15:06
Short Answer

Electoral participation among foreign-born is generally lower than for native-born Swedes.

Qualitative Info


Fewer foreign-born are also members of political parties, even if there has been a greater decline in membership among the Swedish native population. 

In the elections 2010,  about 7.6% of the officials elected to the municipality  were born abroad, while in the county councils the figure is 7.7% and 8% in parliament.


According to (Vallagen SFS 2005:837) Third country nationals (migrants) have the right to vote at the local level/regional level elections if they have been registered residents in Sweden for a continuous period of three years before Election Day.  With voting rights cames the right to stand for the municipal elected office.

Only Swedish citizens are entitled to vote in the National General Parliamentary Elections. To become a Swedish citizen, generally you have to be a resident in Sweden for five years. 

The Election Act (SFS 2005:837)  (Vallagen SFS 2005:837), 2012-03-12)., (accessed 2012-03-12). 

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political participation
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