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Specific health issues such as diseases specific to particular groups

Key Area:
Health And Social Protection
Discrimination, Equality
11/03/2012 - 23:40
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

The Centre for Health and Integration (Centrum för hälsa och Integration) published a study that revealed that many refugees with a residence permit experienced anxiety, headache and trouble with sleeping and concentration difficulties. Of the 44 respondents these problems were strongly related to various traumatic events in their lives. 93 % of the men had been victims of violence, and over 70 % of the women and 40 % of the children had witnessed violence towards a loved one.  Nearly one third of the children had a loved one killed.[1]


Another report published by The Swedish National Institute of Public Health [Folkhälsoinstitutet] called “How are Sweden’s national minorities doing?” (Hur mår Sveriges nationella minoriteter?).[2] the study showed that there are clear links between the health situation of national minorities, such as high unemployment, a sense of alienation, powerlessness and discrimination. Here are some results from the report: 


The Roma reported problems with high alcohol consumption, primarily among men and young people. They also reported gambling and pill addictions, as well as drug abuse, as growing problems.


The country's indigenous Sámi population had similar health conditions as the wider population in terms of life expectancy. But there are significant differences between the 2,500 reindeer herding Sámi and their 20,000 non-reindeer herding counterparts, with the former running an increased risk of workplace accidents and suicide.


Swedish Finns were found to be in worse physical condition than the majority population, while psychological problems are more common among men in this group than in the population at large. Swedish Finns are also heavier smokers and financially less well off than the rest of the population. 


Tornedalers are in slightly worse physical health than the population as a whole. They are also less physically active, less involved in social affairs and more financially vulnerable than the majority population. 


Jews on the other hand are in better physical, mental and financial shape than the population at large. They also showed higher levels of social participation than the general population. Male Jews did however report levels of discrimination that are above the norm.


Groups affected/interested Refugees, Roma & Travelers, National minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Health and social protection
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