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Do migrants/minorities face disproportionate problems in accessing justice?

Key Area:
Policing - Law Enforcement - Justice
Racism, Discrimination
12/03/2012 - 03:08
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

In February 2008 Brå [The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention] presented a report 2008:4 Diskriminering i rättsprocessen; om missgynnande av personer med utländsk bakgrund (Discrimination in the legal process). The report shows that migrants face disproportionate problems in accessing legal justice. The report concludes that discrimination and the perception of discrimination are serious issues within the Swedish legal system. Overall, the findings of the report show that victims of migrant backgorund are less likely to access justice in court compared with victims of with a Swedish background.

The report is based on current research, analyses of complaints to the Ombudsman against ethnic discrimination and interviews with key categories of persons within the legal system. The report is part of the assignment given to the Council by the Government in April 2006 to examine the incidence of discrimination in the judicial process against defendants and plaintiffs with a foreign background.  The report proposes various initiatives which are needed to promote non-discrimination within the judicial system.

Source: The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention,   Report 2008:4, Diskriminering i rättsprocessen; om missgynnande av personer med utländsk bakgrund ,

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Policing - law enforcement
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