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Non governmental organisations whose principal objectives relate to opposing/undermining racism and racist activity

Key Area:
Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
10/03/2012 - 12:23
Short Answer

The Centre against Racism, Interfem, Youth Against Racism.


Qualitative Info

The Centre against Racism, is a voluntary and independent umbrella organisation with high integrity. Its task is to scrutinize, supplement and reinforce the actions taken by society, but not to overtake society's responsibility. Centre against Racism's aims and objectives is to counteract racism and xenophobia -including anti-Semitism, islamophobia and prejudice against Rom populations, Afrophobia and discrimination, in Sweden. The Centre against Racism  collaborates with different NGO’s, build knowledge, disseminate information and awareness raising activities. The Centre has 80 member organisations acorss the country and it has been active since 2003. 


Interfem   is an NGO fighting intersectional discrimination, especially discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity and religious belief.   ( 

Youth Against Racism (Ungdom mot rasism) is the largest anti-racist youth organization and gathers today around 4000 members and 35 local groups. We are a politically and religiously independent organization that works against racism and for democracy and diversity.




Source: The Centre Against Racism (CMR),

Youth Against Racism (Ungdom mot rasism) ,

Interfem , (


Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism
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