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Has the national government developed policies/programmes aimed at combating racism and related ideologies? Have these policies/programmes been implemented and in whatway?

Key Area:
Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
16/03/2012 - 20:41
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In May 2006 the Riksdag adopted ‘A National Action Plan for Human Rights 2006–2009' (Government Communication 2005/06:95). This was Sweden’s second National Action Plan for Human Rights. The first  action plan covered the period 2002–2004 and it has been followed up and evaluated. The purpose of the second action plan was to carry out a coherent review of the human rights situation in Sweden and, on the basis of this review, to propose measures for more systematic work with human rights at the national level. The main focus of the action plan is protection against discrimination. Other measures aim at increasing knowledge and awareness about human rights.  The government decided on 17 December 2009 to appoint a special investigator to conduct an evaluation of the national action plan for human rights. The task included submitting recommendations aimed at providing the Government with a basis for its future systematic work on human rights in Sweden. 


In conjunction with the presentation of the National Action Plan for Human Rights in 2006, the Government established a Delegation for Human Rights in Sweden to support the long-term task of securing full respect for human rights in Sweden based on the action plan (

The Living History Forum is a Government agency which has been commissioned with the task of promoting issues relating to tolerance, democracy and human rights – with the Holocaust as its point of reference. They are disseminating information and creating a dialogue with the society at large on inter alia the situation of the Roma, Muslims and other discriminated groups. The Government commissioned the state agency Living History Forum (Forum för levande historia) to undertake research to generate knowledge on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Living History Forum submitted the report on the 22 August 2011 and outlined various actions. 


The Integration Minister launched a new website on This page is part of the Government's efforts to combat xenophobia and a way to counter the myths that are currently spreading on the internet about immigrants ( accessed 2012-03-11.


Swedish Government, “Forum för levande historia ska kartlägga anti-semitism och Islamofobi”, 2012-03-11)

Samlat, genomtänkt och uthålligt? En utvärdering av regeringens nationella handlingsplan för mänskliga rättigheter 2006–2009, 2012-03-11)


The Swedish Government, (accessed 2012-03-11)

Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism
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