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Cases - investigations before other EU and international bodies (European Committee for Social Rights - UN HRC - CAT etc.)

Key Area:
Discrimination Statistics
18/03/2012 - 22:35
Short Answer

In 2011, the Committe for Social Rights, concluded that the situation in Sweden was not in conformity with several articles in the European Social Charter. 

Qualitative Info


Sweden was found to be in non-conformity with the European Social Charter regarding: 

 Article 19 - Right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assistance. Paragraph 8 - Guarantees concerning deportation. The Committee concludes that the situation in Sweden was not in conformity with the Article 19§8 of the Charter during the reference period on the ground that migrant workers expelled on account of national security have no right of appeal to an independent body. 


Article 19 - Right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assistance

Paragraph 10 - Equal treatment for the self-employed


Article 17 - Right of children and young persons to social, legal and economic protection

Paragraph 2 - Free primary and secondary education - regular attendance at school

The Committee concludes that the situation in Sweden is not in conformity with Article 17§2 of the Charter on the ground that children unlawfully present in the territory do not have effective access to education.


Article 7 - Right of children and young persons to protection

Paragraph 9 - Regular medical examination

The Committee concludes that the situation in Sweden is not in conformity with Article 7§9 of the Charter on the ground that a regular medical examination for all young workers is not guaranteed by legislation.

Source: Council of Europe, The European Social Charter, (accessed 2012-03-12). 

Numbers of cases
Exemplary cases
Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism
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