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Total of pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (automatically or by hand if no data on previous lines)

Key Area:
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Demographics & Economics
15/03/2012 - 18:08
Short Answer

There are only estimates of the total pupils of migrants parents/background in schools. Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204). 

Qualitative Info



There are 112 schools in Sweden where the proportion students with foreign background are over 50 percent.  In total there are approximately 1600 primary schools in Sweden. The share of children with foreign background is 13 percent of the children, aged 0-17 years in Sweden. This total should correspond to the total pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (Statistics Sweden, Demographic Reports 2007:2, Children, segregated housing and school results) 


Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) states that ’[...] the maintenance of personal data that reveals race or ethnic origin is prohibited’.[1] In the opinions delivered by the Advisory Committee established under the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) the lack of data was critiqued as contributing to the complication of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and improvement of minority policies.


[1] Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) 13 §


Statistics Sweden, Demographic Reports 2007:2, Children, segregated housing and school results (SCB, Demografiska rapporter 2007:2, Barn, boendesegregation och skolresultat), (accessed 2012-03-11). 

% of general school population
Main groups
Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
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28/01/2013 - 00:09
Short Answer

There are only estimates of the total pupils of migrants parents/background in schools (147,824). Sweden does not maintain official statistics concerning ethnic origin other than citizenship and country of birth. The main rule according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204). 

Qualitative Info




Upper Secondary School


born in Sweden, no parent born in Sweden

33 122

born abroad country, at least one parent born in Sweden

4 661

born abroad, no parent born in Sweden

31 858

Higher education


born in Sweden, no parent born in Sweden

19 099

born abroad, at least one parent born in Sweden

4 795

born abroad, no parent born in Sweden

54 289


Number 147824
% of general school population
Main groups
Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
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