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Sport: Is hate speech ground for sanctions to sport clubs and applied/applicable in practice?

Key Area:
Public Life, Culture, Sport & Media
16/03/2012 - 14:34
Short Answer

Yes. Hate speech is a ground for sanctions to sport clubs and applied in practice. 

Qualitative Info


The Swedish Football Association has in its statutes chapter 1:1§ that the association distances itself from racism and all forms of discrimination. In the Swedish Football Association event rules for 2008, it is stated in chapter 1:15§ to punish all racist incidents during a football match, both the incidents, taking place among the players, as racist remarks, made by supporters. The type of sanction is decided in each case, but they range between paying penal fees to extreme cases of withdrawal of points for the team.[1]

The Swedish Football Association’s decision is to prohibit all forms of discrimination, based on ethnicity, religion, race or nationality, and all discrimination is to be penalized and reported. The decision includes confidence-damaging remarks made by the captains and leaders within football. 


[1]   The Swedish Football Association, Statues (accessed 2012-03-10). 

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Sport
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