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Are there formal policies and practises associated with this integration strategy?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
12/03/2012 - 02:45
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

The Government presented a comprehensive integration strategy Egenmakt mot utanförskap – regeringens strategi för integration 2008-2010 in a special report in connection with the 2009 Budget Bill. New strategies for integration policy were presented focusing on policies to be implemented through general measures. In addition, special measures focusing on immigrants are only to take place for newly arrived immigrants who are in need of such measures. The focus of these special measures for newly arrived immigrants were proposed in the Government Bill 2009/10:60 (Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering- egenansvar med professionellt stöd). The state took over the responsibilities for the establishment of newly arrived immigrants on the labour market from the municipalities. 


As part of this strategy, special measures, such as the introduction of the new venture ‘establishment guides’ (Etableringslotsar) was created.  These establishment guides are supposed to be a rout for newly arrived immigrants into the labour market. According to the proposal, immigrants can enlist the help of companies, or organizations to serve as guides to help them expand their networks and support their efforts to find employment. The Swedish National Employment Agency has been assigned the responsibility of implementing this new reform focusing on special measures for newly arrived immigrants. The reform is expected to cost around 920 million kronor (92 million euros).[1]


As part of continuing efforts to reduce social exclusion, the Government has appointed a special investigator (ToR 2011:18) with the task of reviewing the possibility of introducing a system of tax reductions for businesses in neighbourhoods with widespread segregation, the so-called ‘new start zones’ (Nystartszoner). This initiative is part of the Government’s on-going integration policies focused on the labour market. The investigation will be coordinated with the urban development process. The investigator is to report their findings by no later than 1 August 2012.[2]

[1] Government Bill 2009/10:60 (Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering- egenansvar med professionellt stöd), (accessed 2012-03-10). 

[2] Budget Bill 2012, Integration, p. 29

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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