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Do the trade unions engage in specific activities recruiting or supporting/defending the rights of migrants groups?

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19/12/2011 - 15:21
Short Answer

Yes, the trade union which is most active in Slovenia in relation to migrant workers is the Union of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia.

Qualitative Info

The Union of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia is a trade union with the most visible activities aimed at support to migrant workers. Their activities include raising awareness of the public on the effects of economic crisis on migrant workers, on the violation of labour and social rights of migrant workers, providing advice for them and commenting on policy measures in this field. Since 2010 the Union is implementing a project in cooperation with an NGO Slovene Philanthropy titled ‘Integration package for unemployed migrants, refugees and asylum seekers’. The project enabled the employment, training and empowerment of advocates for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees who advise unemployed individuals from these groups in relation to their labour rights and support them in their search for new employment. The project also includes study visits and networking with trade unions working with migrant workers in other European states. Within this project the Union is issuing a monthly bilingual (in Slovenian and Bosnian) Migration Newsletter which includes information on useful information for the migrant workers, latest legislative and policy developments in this field and data on violations of the rights of migrant workers. 


Confederation of trade unions of Slovenia Pergam is carrying out a program titled 'Social dialogue – a system of collective bargaining and an opportunity for networking' which is aimed at supporting vulnerable groups among which migrants are identified. The key goal of the project is to raise awareness on the importance of social dialogue among various actors in the society, including those representing vulnerable groups. 



Web page of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije),

Web page of the Confederation of trade unions of Slovenia Pergam (Konfederacija sindikatov Slovenije Pergam),

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market
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