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Complaints regarding ethnic discrimination received by Equality Body/Agency/Court

Key Area:
Discrimination Statistics
18/01/2012 - 19:56
Short Answer

In 2010 the Advocate of the principle of Equality dealt with 3 complaints concerning alleged ethnic discrimination, out of 33 in total. The information for 2011 is not available yet. One complaint on ethnic discrimination was lodged to the Social Inspectorate in 2010.

Qualitative Info

In Slovenia, the Advocate of the Principle of Equality is the equality body which covers a variety of grounds of discrimination. In 2010 the Advocate dealt with 3 complaints concerning alleged ethnic discrimination, out of 33 in total. There is no information in the annual report on the number of complaints received, however, the report indicates that this is also the number of complaints concerning ethnic discrimination that were received by the Advocate. The report namely states that it is not possible to overlook the low number of complaints received due to ethnic discrimination, even though ethnic discrimination is one of the most prevalent problems in society. The information for 2011 is not available yet.


In 2010 one complaint on ethnic discrimination was received by the Social Inspectorate at the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. The case concerned a Roma couple who inquired about a possibility to acquire municipal financial assistance at the Centre for Social Work. When they inquired about this possibility, the social worker at the Centre responded that this financial assistance is not for Roma. A volunteer of a local association verified by phone whether Roma may apply for this assistance and she also received a negative response: the social worker confirmed that Roma may not apply for this financial assistance.  


The Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia does not keep specific data on cases dealt with by the courts due to discrimination, meaning that these statistics are not available.


Annual report of the Advocate of the Principle of Equality 2010, available at:  

Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs; Social Inspectorate, decision no. 06185-148/2010 of 30 September 2010.  


Numbers of cases 3
Exemplary cases
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Asylum seekers, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Persons with disability, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D) Extremism - organised Racist Violence, Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia, Arabophobia, Anti-roma/zinghanophobia, Religious intolerance, Inter-ethnic, Intra-ethnic, Nationalism, Homophobia, On grounds of disability, On grounds of other belief, Anti-roma/ romaphobia, Xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Policing - law enforcement, Employment - labour market, Housing, Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Media, Internet, Sport, Political discourse -parties - orgs, Political participation, Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism, Integration - social cohesion, Daily life, Religion
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21/01/2013 - 19:25
Short Answer

In the first six months of 2012 the police dealth with 37 offences motivated by personal characteristics, under the Article 297 of the Penal Code, prohibiting incitement to racial, ethnic and religious hatred and intolerance. Further, in the first six months of 2012 the police investigated 22 offences committed with intolerance motives.

Qualitative Info

With regard to criminal offences under Article 297 of the Penal Code (prohibiting incitement to racial, ethnic or religious hatred and intolerance), in the first six months of 2012 the police dealth with 37 offences motivated by personal characteristics (the data is not segregated by grounds). In 2011, the police investigated 52 such offences, the same as in 2010, while the number of recorded offences in 2009 was 16.


Further, the data kept by the police show an increase in the number of criminal offences including racial, ethnic or religious intolerance as a motive in the recent period. In the first six months of 2012 the police investigated almost as many such offences as in previous three years. Until the end of June 2012, police dealt with 22 such offences, compared to nine in 2011, 10 in 2010 and 10 in 2009. In 2012, in the mentioned six-month period, the police lodged 20 criminal complaints and submitted two reports with the responsible state prosecutor.


The information on the cases dealt by the Advocate of the Principle of Equality for 2012 is not available yet.


The Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia does not keep specific data on cases dealt with by the courts due to discrimination, meaning that these statistics are not available.


Information was provided by the General Police Directorate (Generalna policijska uprava) upon request.



Numbers of cases 59
Exemplary cases
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Asylum seekers, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Persons with disability, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D) Extremism - organised Racist Violence, Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia, Arabophobia, Anti-roma/zinghanophobia, Religious intolerance, Inter-ethnic, Intra-ethnic, Nationalism, Homophobia, On grounds of disability, On grounds of other belief, Anti-roma/ romaphobia, Xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Policing - law enforcement, Employment - labour market, Housing, Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Media, Internet, Sport, Political discourse -parties - orgs, Political participation, Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism, Integration - social cohesion, Daily life, Religion
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