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Is there a formal national strategy on the integration of migrants/minorities?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
13/02/2012 - 19:51
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

In 1999 the National Assembly adopted Resolucija o imigracijski politiki Republike Slovenije [Resolution on the immigration policy of the Republic of Slovenia]. The resolution defines integration policy as one of three elements of immigration policy and refers to the measures of the state and the society ensuring favourable conditions for quality life of immigrants, encouraging integration and enabling the immigrants to become responsible participants of the social development of Slovenia. The Resolution takes into consideration the cultural plurality of the Slovenian society and builds its goals on the principles of equality (equal social, economic and civil rights), freedom (right to expression of cultural identity, respect of integrity and dignity of each individual to maintain his or her culture in accordance with the law and fundamental values of the Republic of Slovenia) and cooperation (right to engagement and responsibility of everyone in the process of creation of a common society).

The 2002 Resolucija o migracijski politiki Republike Slovenije [Resolution on the migration policy of the Republic of Slovenia] includes all the provisions of the Resolution on the immigration policy regarding integration, adding active prevention of discrimination, xenophobia and racism to the list of measures of the integration policy.

In 2007 the Ministry of Education developed Strategija vključevanja otrok, učencev in dijakov migrantov v sistem vzgoje in izobraževanja v Republiki Sloveniji [Strategy for inclusion of children and students with migrant background in the educational system in Slovenia], identifying goals and measures. Among them are additional Slovenian language classes provided to children with migrant background in schools for which schools receive funds from the state.

The 2011 Zakon o tujcih [Aliens Act] contains a chapter on inclusion/integration of aliens stating, that the Republic of Slovenia provides conditions for integration of aliens with residence permits into cultural, economic and social life of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 106 of the Aliens Act provides for integration programs for aliens – non-EU citizens:

- programs for learning Slovenian language and acquainting with Slovenian history, culture and constitutional arrangement;

-programs for mutual familiarity and understanding with Slovenian citizens;

- informing aliens regarding their integration in the Slovenian society.


Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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