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Are there migrants' consultative/advisory/representative bodies established by law?

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
22/01/2012 - 22:38
Short Answer

If we consider migrants to be those who are not nationals of Slovenia, there are no consultative/advisory/representative bodies established by law. In the Slovenian circumstances, migrants are sometimes considered also nationals of Slovenia with origins in former Yugoslavia. In their case there is a formal consultative body for consultations with the authorities established by a legal document adopted in the Parliament.

Qualitative Info

The actual migrants, having no citizenship of Slovenia, don't have consultative/advisory/representative bodies established by law.

On the other hand, citizens of Slovenia with origins in other republics of former Yugoslavia have been still considered in official policy documents and academic work - immigrants. If take them into account, since recently they have a formal  consultative/representative/advisory body in relations to the authorities to deal with their situation and formal solutions for minority recognition. Based on the declaration adopted in the Parliament in 2011, a council has been established for formal consultations, being consisted from the representatives of minority organisations representing communities from former Yugoslavia in Slovenia, and from representatives of the Government of Slovenia.


Deklaracija Republike Slovenije o položaju narodnih skupnosti pripadnikov narodov nekdanje SFRJ v Republiki Sloveniji (Declaration of the Republic of Slovenia on the situation of the national communities of members of nations of former SFRY in the Republic of Slovenia), Date of access: 21.1.2012.

Groups affected/interested Migrants, National minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political participation
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