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Is the teacher regular curricula/training dealing with specific reference to immigrants or ethnic minorities and respect/promotion of diversity?

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18/02/2012 - 09:07
Short Answer

Not in the regular curricula for teachers. Intercultural education is offered in the initial training of teachers only as an optional subject. Individual initiatives also worth mentioned although they are not part of the regular curricula for teachers.

Qualitative Info

A 2010 qualitative research in the field identified that the lack of a real intercultural interaction in the majority of schools interviewed for the research is due to lack of intercultural education aspects in the initial training of teachers: "At the moment, intercultural education classes are offered only as optional subjects in several universities, and university autonomy does not allow that this subject is imposed by the Ministry of Education, Research and Sport as a mandatory subject." Moreover, the students' interest for this optional subject is very low. Teachers may come also from faculties, such as foreign languages faculty, where this optional subject does not exist. Consequently, the teachers are left with the option of undergoing continuous education to obtain competences in the field of intercultural education.[1]

There are a few Individual initiatives aimed to promoting information materials, tools, and training for History teachers in order to adequately introduce to pupils the optional subject "History of national minorities in Romania".[2] Between 22-24 April 2010, a training was organized by the Department for Interethnic Relations in this sense.[3] In 2011, the Department also organized a seminar for the drafting of a manual for high shool pupils regarding the subject "History of national minorities in Romania".[4]


[1] Research report of "Impreuna" Agency of Community Development, Intercultural education: from theory to practice - implementing intercultural education in multiethnic schools in Romania (Educaţia interculturală:de la teorie la practică - implementarea educaţiei interculturale în şcoli multietnice din România), November 2010, pp.96-97, available at (accessed on 18.02.2012).

[2] This information material is available at (accessed on 18.02.2012). 

[3] Information about the training is available at (accessed on 18.02.2012). 

[4] Information about the seminar in available at (accessed on 18.02.2012). 



Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, Linguistic minorities, National minorities
Type (R/D) Inter-ethnic
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
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