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Is there evidence of significant levels of segregation between migrant groups and the majority population?

Key Area:
Housing & Segregation
Racism, Discrimination
20/02/2012 - 19:18
Short Answer

The level of migration to Romania is quite low and no research regarding the issue of segregation between migrant groups and majority population could be found.

Qualitative Info

The number of foreigners (non-citizens of EU and EEA) legally residing in Romania at the end of November 2011 was of 57,211 people. Of these, 46,931 had temporary stay and 10,280 had permanent stay. From the point of view of the purpose, 21, 456 had obtained a right to temporary stay as family members, 7, 837 for study purposes and 5, 725 for work purposes. From the point of view of temporary stay, most come from the Republic of Moldova (14,657), Turkey (6,693), and China (4,248). Of those with a permanent stay, the biggest number are from China (2,640), Turkey (2,112) and Syria (973). [1] There is no clear image the size of the illegal immigration phenomenon. The ROI stated that in 2010 it returned 318 foreigners under escort, a decrease by 16.09 per cent from 2009. [2]



1. Updated statistical information can be found on the website of the Romanian Immigration Office under the terms of tender for the European Integration Fund, available at: (last checked 20.02.2012)

2. Romanian Immigration Office, Analysis on the situation of foreigners returned under escort in 2010, available at: (last accessed: 20.02.2012)

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Housing
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