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Do the trade unions engage in specific activities recruiting or supporting/defending the rights of minority groups?

Key Area:
30/01/2012 - 16:50
Short Answer

Big trade-union confederations have started to implement European Social Fund financed projects in the areas of social inclusion and equality of chances.  Most of them  include training and information campaigns, some job creation or services. In general, ESF in Romania does not finance rights defense litigation types of activities. No information regarding discrimination cases supported by trade-unions in courts of law could be found.

Qualitative Info

Examples of projects implemented by trade-union confederations or in partnership which also aim to support minorities:

The National Trade-Union Block is implementing a project called Incubators of Social Enterprises in the Bucharest-Ilfov region whose main goal is to develop the social economy in Romania, through the creation of social enterprises having in view the integration and reintegration on the labour market of persons who come from among vulnerable groups. Among the stated target groups one can find: persons with disabilities, persons belonging to minority ethnic groups (formulated like this, it can also mean Romanian ethnics in areas with majority population coming from a national ethnic minority), immigrants and refugees. [1]

“Impreuna” Agency for Community Development is implementing an ESF financed project called: The empowerment of Roma women on the labour market. The partners are: Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, National Confederation of Free Trade-Unions from Romania – Fratia (Brotherhood), the National institute for Scientific Research in the Field of Labour and Social Protection. Among the activities, one can find: the development of the capacity of social partners, through the training of 80 trade-union leaders, representatives of NGOs and relevant institutions in the field of participatory and mobilizing management; creating an inter-professional network to work with and for Roma women made of the persons trained, and which will have as goal the promotion of equality of chances for vulnerable groups.




Website of the Project Incubators of Social Enterprises in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, available at: (Accessed on 30.01.2012)

Website of the Project The Empowerment of Roma Women on the Labour Market, available at: (Accessed on 30.01.2012)

Groups affected/interested Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, Asylum seekers, Persons with disability
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market
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