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Has the national government developed policies/programmes aimed at combating racism and related ideologies? Have these policies/programmes been implemented and in whatway?

Key Area:
Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
16/02/2012 - 14:10
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

On 14 December 2011, the Strategy of the Government of Romania for the Inclusion of the Romanian Citizens Belonging to Roma Minority for the Period 2012-2020 was adopted. The general aim of the strategy is to ensure socio-economic inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma Minority through implementing integrated policies in the field of education, employment, health, housing, culture, and social infrastructure. Seven objectives are established in the strategy

1. Ensuring equal, free and universal access to quality education  at all levels of the public education system.

2. Promoting inclusive education and preventing and combating segregation and discrimination.

3. Increasing occupation rates among Roma.

4. Promoting health in order to raise the access of Roma to healthcare services and improve life expectation among this group.

5. Ensuring decent housing in socio-economic disadvantaged communities.

6. Preserving and promoting Roma cultural identity.

7. Taking measures to address social needs of disadvantaged communities in the fields of community development, child protection, justice and public order.

The draft of the Strategy was strongly criticized by a number of 48 organizations of the civil society with regards to both procedural and substantive aspects, such as:

- only an initial stage of consultations took place and there is a need for extensive consulations within the Government, with the local administrations and the civil society,

- the structure and mechanism proposed for implementation of the strategy is similar to the mechanism of the old strategy which, according to the NGOs, proved to be outdated and ineffective,

- the lack of a transparent process of implementation of the strategy and cooperation with the civil society,

- the way the target groups and the socio-economic and cultural problems were defined and addressed by the strrategy,

- the way indicators and objectives are formulated, especially lack of measurable indicators.

Besides these general aspects, the NGOs also make concrete proposals to improve objectives and interventions from the draft strategy.


Government Decision No.1221/2011 on the approval of the of the Government of Romania for the Inclusion of the Romanian Citizens Belonging to Roma Minority for the Period 2012-2020, published in the Official Journal No.6 bis of 4 January 2012, available in English at (accessed on 16.02.2012).

Proposals to revise the draft of the Government of Romania for the Inclusion of the Romanian Citizens Belonging to Roma Minority for the Period 2012-2020, available at (accessed on 16.02.2012).


In October 2007, the National Council for Combating Discrimination published the National Strategy for the Implementation of Measures for Prevent and Combat Discrimination (2007-2013). Among priorities and interventions aimed to prevent and combat discrimination more generally, this strategy contains one priority focusing particularly on combating racism - strengthening cooperation with organizations working in the field of sports in order to carry out activities of preventing and combating racism in sports.


Art.22 of Order No.286 of 29 August 2007 regarding the approval of the National Strategy for the Implementation of Measures for Prevent and Combat Discrimination (2007-2013) (Ordinul 286 din 29 august 2007 (Ordinul 286/2007) privind aprobarea Strategiei naţionale de implementare a mǎsurilor de prevenire şi combatere a discriminǎrii (2007-2013)), published in the Official Journal No.674 of 3 October 2007, available at (accessed on 16.02.2012).


Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, National minorities
Type (R/D) Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism
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