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Sport: Effective participation of migrants in sport

Key Area:
Public Life, Culture, Sport & Media
Discrimination, Equality
21/02/2012 - 20:55
Short Answer

No data as to effective participation could be found. There are certain restrictions connected to quotas for extra-community players.

Qualitative Info

For example, according to the Romanian Football Federation Regulations for organizing the football activity, Art 47,7.2,  players citizens of a non-EU member state can play for Romanian football clubs at official games only under the following conditions: maximum five extra-community players at the same time on the field for both women and men in the First League, maximum three for the Second League, maximum two for the Third League (participating in some specific competitions), maximum five players recorded in the referee report for indoors football.



Romanian Football Federation Regulations for organizing the football activity, Bucharest, 2009, available at: (21.02.2012)

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Sport
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