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Public administration (including judiciary and executive) reflects the ethnic diversity of society?

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
27/12/2011 - 16:41
Short Answer

Information about a person's ethnic origin is considered by the authorities confidential personal data. Consequently, there is no data about the ethnic composition of public administration.

Qualitative Info

We could not find analysis on ethnic monitorities'  representation in public administration (national government, local government, judiciary). The law provides the right of national minorities to speak their mother tongue in relations with local administration, if they are living in an administrative unit with a minimum of 20% representation of the respective national minority (Art.19 of the Law No.215/2001 of local public administration). Consequently, in principle, people beloging to those national minorities should be hired in local administration to ensure the exercise of the right of their fellows.

See Law No.215/2001 of local public administration available at (accessed on 14.02.2012)

Analysis on ethnic minorities' representation in elected bodies at the national and local level exist.

See Levente SALAT (editor), Politici de integrare a minorităţilor naţionale din România. Aspecte legale şi instituţionale într-o perspectivă comparată (Policies of integration of national minorities in Romania. Legal and institutional aspects in a comparative perspective), Cluj, Edit. CRDE, 2008, 272 p., ISBN 978-973-7670-09-0, available at (accessed on 14.02.2012)



Groups affected/interested Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D) Inter-ethnic
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Integration - social cohesion, Daily life
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