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Migrants' political rights - right to vote to national/local elections

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
11/01/2012 - 22:52
Short Answer

Migrants have the right to vote to local elections under some conditions.

Qualitative Info

The Portuguese Constitution establishes the principle of equality among citizens (13th and 15th articles), Portuguese and legal foreign residents have equal civil, social and economic rights, with the exception for the right to political participation and citizenship. Law no. 50/96 of 4 September stipulates that EU nationals, citizens from african countries where Portuguese is officially spoken (PALOP) residing for more than two years in Portugal and other third-country nationals residing for more than three years can vote in local elections.

The right to vote is based in the existence of reciprocity conditions linked to residence status and the economic incorporation of immigrants. Declaration 2-A/97 granted the vote to Portuguese citizens and nationals of the European Union, Brazil and Cape Verde, Argentina, Israel, Norway, Peru and Uruguay, and the right to be elected to Portuguese citizens and nationals of the European Union, Brazil and Cape Verde, Peru and Uruguay). It also allowed certain rights to be accorded to citizens of countries where Portuguese is officially spoken if there is an agreement between Portugal and the country concerned.


Lei 50/96, Diário da República - I Série A,, Date of access: 21.02.2012.

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political discourse -parties - orgs, Political participation, Integration - social cohesion
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