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Number of cases where ethnic discrimination was found/established by Equality Body/Agency/Court

Key Area:
Discrimination Statistics
27/02/2012 - 20:06
Short Answer

The number of crime cases registered in 2010 by UAVIDRE [Unit for the Support to Immigrant Victims and Victims of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination] the independent agency established with financial support of the Equality Body, is 320 (tree hundred and twenty).

Qualitative Info
Numbers of cases
Exemplary cases
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Majority, Asylum seekers, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D) Extremism - organised Racist Violence, Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia, Arabophobia, Anti-roma/zinghanophobia, Religious intolerance, Inter-ethnic, Intra-ethnic, Nationalism, On grounds of other belief, Anti-roma/ romaphobia, Xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Policing - law enforcement, Employment - labour market, Housing, Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Media, Sport, Political discourse -parties - orgs, Daily life, Religion
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