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Practical obstacles and evidence of problems and differential enrollment rates for certain minorities?

Key Area:
Discrimination, Equality
11/11/2011 - 12:02
Short Answer

82 % of Roma childern attands schools.

Qualitative Info

Among the national and ethnic minorities only the Roma stand out from the rest of society with regard to their situation in the field of education. Still not all Roma children attand schools. The percentage of Roma children fulfilling the requirement of compulsory education is 82% while school attendance around 75%. There is a very high percentage of pupils of Roma origin that have been evaluated as requiring special education – up 16.8%, at the same time the data may still be underestimated.


Source: Poland / Ministry of Interior and Administration, Sprawozdanie z realizacji Programu na Rzecz Społeczności Romskiej za rok 2010, Warszawa 2011

Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D) Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
External Url
Segregation of Roma children