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Are there positive initiatives with an impact on housing of migrant and minority groups?

Key Area:
Housing & Segregation
14/12/2011 - 13:08
Short Answer


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The government Programme for the Roma Community (which is a national project that began in 2004 and will run through 2013) contain component devoted to improve housing conditions. The investments carried out under the Program include renovations, construction of social housing or container buildings and construction of water and sewage networks are conducted. It must be mentioned however that the housing situation of Roma is improving very slowly.
In the case of refugees, some NGOs and social protection institutions mediate in renting apartments on the open market or assist them in their efforts to obtain social or protected housing.Municipal Family Welfare Centre in Lublin conducts project “Safe haven: providing protected housing for foreigners” which consists in offering protected housing to the refugees families.



Ministry of Interior and Administration, Programme for the Roma Community

Family Welfare Centre in Lublin

Groups affected/interested Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Asylum seekers
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Housing
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31/12/2012 - 01:06
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

The government Programme for the Roma Community (which is a national project that began in 2004 and will run through 2013) contain component devoted to improve housing conditions. The investments carried out under the Program include renovations, construction of social housing or container buildings and construction of water and sewage networks are conducted. It must be mentioned however that the housing situation of Roma is improving very slowly [1].

In the case of refugees, some NGOs and social protection institutions mediate in renting apartments on the open market or assist them in their efforts to obtain social or protected housing.Municipal Family Welfare Centre in Lublin conducts project “Safe haven: providing protected housing for foreigners” which consists in offering protected housing to the refugees families. The city using, among others, the EU funds, develops the idea of protected flats for foreigners. There are currently three such flats; until June 2012, 30 foreigners altogether (5 families) are supposed to take advantage of the city's support. As to Warsaw, the first protected flat for foreigners has functioned in the capital since October 2011. In Warsaw, too, flats for refugees (5 flats annually) have been granted for years within the contest organized by the Warsaw's Family Support Centre [2].


  1. Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych, Program na rzecz społeczności romskiej w Polsce (Programme for the Roma Community in Poland),, Accessed on 12.12.2012.
  2. Miejski Ośrodek pomocy Rodzinie, Bezpieczna Przystań - prowadzenie mieszkania chronionego dla cudzoziemców (Safe haven: providing protected housing for foreigners),, Accessed on 12.12.2012.
Groups affected/interested Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Asylum seekers
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-roma/zinghanophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Housing
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