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Have public servants been reported as being perpetrators of racist violence/hate crime?

Key Area:
Anti-racist Crime Legislation & Implementation
19/12/2011 - 22:33
Short Answer

Yes, sometimes.

Qualitative Info

It happens that policemen themselves discriminate against and behave racist. Even though they go through several trainings, the attitude of many police officers towards people of a different race or nationality is not a proper one. Some immigrants signalled that police officers addressed them in a racist manner (hate speech). An NGO was reported on the case of an immigrant who was mistreated by policemen during detention and transportation to the police station and hospital. The man was beaten, threatened with deportation and humiliated. The police officers insulted him by making reference to his nationality and skin colour. There is also the case of a migrant from Chechnya (who obtained international protection and resides in Poland legally). He was a witness in the case of his friend but was unlawfully detained by the police and humiliated due to his nationality, together with two other Chechens. The court found the detention procedure unlawful, and the application for compensation was lodged.

Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Policing - law enforcement
External Url
Racism in Poland.