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Complaints regarding ethnic discrimination received by Equality Body/Agency/Court

Key Area:
Discrimination Statistics
11/11/2011 - 11:02
Short Answer

In 2010, the Human Rights Defender received 38 cases regarding discrimination on grounds of nationality/ethnicity or race, religion or belief.

Qualitative Info

In 2010, the Human Rights Defender received 25 cases (while in 2009 – 24 cases) regarding discrimination on grounds of nationality/ethnicity or race and 13 cases concerning religion or belief. However, a certain increase in the number of cases can be observed in 2011 – 34 cases as of 31 August.


Source: Human Rights Defender

Numbers of cases
Exemplary cases
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities
Type (R/D) Inter-ethnic, On grounds of other belief
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Anti-discrimination, Daily life
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