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Is there evidence that migrant or minority women are particularly vulnerable in accessing and receiving effective health care services?

Key Area:
Health And Social Protection
19/01/2012 - 16:44
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

A study carried out by the Italian branch of Médicins sans Frontières pointed out the obstacles met by foreign seasonal workers in the access to health services. According to the data collected by MSF62, 71 per cent of the interviewees do not have a health card. In particular, 73 per cent of workers without a regular stay permit do not have the STP card (Temporary present foreigner) and 64 per cent of immigrants with a stay permit is not enrolled in the National Health Service, in most cases due to lack of information.

Moreover, a survey conducted by Save the Children analysed the health conditions of Roma mothers and children living in a camp in Rome. About 70 per cent of Roma women interviewed do not have access to any form of health assistance,18 per cent have the STP card and 11 per cent are enrolled in the National Health system. Four per cent of the interviewees declared they have been illtreated by doctors.

Irregular migrants show different difficulties in accessing basic health care services.


Medici Senza Frontiere (2008) Una stagione all’inferno, Rome: MSF.

La Doppia Malattia. Indagine sulla (non) applicazione della normativa sanitaria per i cittadini stranieri irregolari a Milano. A cura di Naga Associazione Volontaria di Assistenza Socio-Sanitaria e per i Diritti di Cittadini Stranieri, Rom e Sinti. Milano, aprile 2011.

Cospe Complementary Data Collection Contribution to the FRA Annual Report 2009

Groups affected/interested Migrants, Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Health and social protection
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