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Evidence of school segregation and/or policies of separate/distinct schooling of minorities

Key Area:
Racism, Discrimination
20/01/2012 - 15:50
Short Answer

No, but there are some problems.

Qualitative Info

In order to avoid school segregation of minorities, as emerge in the report published by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) on the population of non-Italian students in the school year 2007 / 2008, the Ministry intends to continue with the policy of signing agreements with various organisations throughout the country, 'aimed at pursuing the shared objective of education for Roma minors'. As part of this policy, the Ministry renewed its protocol of agreement with Opera Nomadi, 'a historic partner of the ministry in pursuing the education of all Roma, Sinti and Traveller minors'.

The participation of Roma and Sinti to the school is still low. The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) published a  report
on the population of non-Italian students in the school year 2007 / 2008. In the 2007-2008 school year, there were 12,342 registered Roma students in State and 1,043 in non-State schools and in all, they accounted for 0.14 percent of total school population in same school year. Roma and Traveller students were concentrated in five main regions where Roma populations have settled for hundreds of years. The highest number of students is in Lazio region (2,331) followed by Lombardia (1,939), Veneto (1,186), Calabria (1,167) and Piemonte
(1,162). Regarding distribution at the different school levels, 2,061 minors were registered in nurseries, 6,801 in primary schools, 3,299 in lower secondary and only 181 in upper secondary schools.

It is important to underline that Roma, Sinti and Travellers who live in all regions across the country are not recognised as a linguistic minority and are not included in the protection offered by the framework law regulating the protection of recognised minority languages.

Source: Italy / MIUR (2009): Alunni con cittadinanza non italiana. Scuole statali e non statali. Anno scolastico 2007 - 2008. Aprile 2009. Available at:

Cospe, Contribution to the FRA Annual Report 2010 Italy, October 2009

Accogliere bambini e ragazzi rom e sinti. Vademecum per le scuole , Fondazione ISMU, Milano, 2010

Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
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