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Is there evidence of significant levels of segregation between minority groups and the majority population?

Key Area:
Housing & Segregation
Racism, Discrimination
18/01/2012 - 19:35
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

The housing situation of Roma and Sinti people has been highly criticised for years as they live segregated in camps frequently located far away from the city centres, often close to motorways or railways, to industrial areas, or even on former waste dump sites. A research carried out by the NGO COSPE for FRA has confirmed that they live in substandard conditions in segregated structures, often overcrowded lacking in services and basic infrastructure. While some of the settlements are authorized, others are not. Both types of settlements are often targets of social alarm and hostility from residents. Unauthorized settlements are often subject to eviction orders and the inhabitants of the settlements are moved out without alternative accommodation by law enforcement authorities. The only solution for most of the families evicted from camps is to find a barrack or some shelter and create another non authorized settlement in another segregated area.


ENAR SHADOW REPORT 2009/2010 - Racism and Discrimination in Italy by Laura Di Pasquale -

RAXEN Thematic Study, Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers - Italy, March 2009, by Udo C. Enwereuzor and Laura Di Pasquale -



Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D) Inter-ethnic
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Housing
External Url
Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers - Italy