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Are there examples of good practices and positive initiatives against discrimination/racism at the workplace?

Key Area:
Discrimination, Equality
17/02/2012 - 12:03
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

The project  "Diversità come valore" was financed by the European Commission (Progress Program). Among its objectives, it aims at 1) analysing the problems and the critical situations, at the local and national level, concerning the discrimination aspects which affected the vulnerable groups, 2)  implementating training courses in order to cope with discrimination in workplaces and 3) offering a consultancy activity in order to support the local institutions and the decision makers.

The trade unions promote themselves different activities and campaigns in order to face discrimination. (e.g. Uguali e diversi promoted by CGIL)

At the end of 2011, 19 organizations (Arci, Asgi-Associazione studi giuridici sull'immigrazione, Caritas Italiana, Centro Astalli, CGIL, Cnca-Coordinamento nazionale delle comunità d'accoglienza, Comitato 1° Marzo, Coordinamento nazionale degli enti locali per la pace e i diritti umani, Emmaus Italia, Fcei - Federazione Chiese Evangeliche In Italia, Fondazione Migrantes, Libera, Lunaria, Il Razzismo Brutta Storia, Rete G2 - Seconde Generazioni, Sei Ugl, Tavola della Pace, Terra del Fuoco)) promoted a sensibilization campaign “L’Italia sono anch’io” in order to promote the equality of rights among immigrants also in the workplaces.


Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-discrimination
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