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Court cases on racist - hate crime

Key Area:
Racist violence - Hate Speech Statistics
20/02/2012 - 16:33
Short Answer

9 (year 2008).

Qualitative Info

Data provided by the Ministry of Justice on “racial discrimination” cases initiated and concluded in 2008 does not allow for detailed analysis. It is not disaggregated by specific crime. The statistics also do not capture cases in which the prosecutor did not request the application of the aggravating circumstance of racial sentiment. The document does not clarify whether information was obtained from all prosecutor’s offices and trial courts around the country. A representative of the Justice Ministry acknowledged that the collection and systematization of data are partial and problematic.


Human Rights Watch, Everyday Intolerance. Racist and Xenophobic Violence in Italy, March 2011 -

Numbers of cases
Official or estimates
Exemplary cases
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism
External Url
Everyday Intolerance. Racist and Xenophobic Violence in Italy