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Roma & Travellers' population

Key Area:
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Demographics & Economics
27/01/2012 - 15:44
Short Answer

Around 140.000 to 170.000.

Qualitative Info

There are different estimates on the presence of Roma, Sinti and Travellers in Italy. According to a report by the Interior Ministry, April 2006 the numerical estimate is about 140.000. According to more recent researches (2009-2010) form other agencies and NGOs is a more realistic estimate of 170.000 presences, a estimate that takes into account people who do not declare their belonging to the Roma, Sinti and Travellers minorities. The Roma, Sinti and Travellers population in Italy represent a percentage of the population around 0.2%, one of the lowest in Europe.


Senato della repubblica, Commissione straordinaria per la tutela e la promozione dei diritti umani - Rapporto conclusivo dell'indagine sulla condizione di Rom, Sinti e Caminanti in Italia, 2011 -,%20sinti%20e%20caminanti.pdf


% of country population
Official or estimates
main ethnic groups
Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
External Url
Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers - Italy