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Is there a formal definition of integration

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Policies On Integration - Cohesion
23/01/2012 - 17:39
Short Answer

The official documents outlines an italian model of integration.

Qualitative Info

The Piano per l’integrazione nella sicurezza. Identità e incontro (Plan for Integration in Security. Identity and Encounter) outlines an Italian model of integration founded on the keywords: identity, encounter and education. The specificity of this strategy is an educational focus that favours reciprocal exchange and encounters between Italians and migrants. The Plan identifies five axes of integration: Education, Employment, Housing, Access to the main services, minors and second generations.

This document affirms the necessity to overcome the multiculturalists and assimilationist response to the multiethnic society in favour of a Open Identity Model (modello di Identità Aperta). It is also underlined the importance of the subsidiary principle. In addition to this, women are considers the vehicles of integration.

Moreover, in the Piano di azione per l’infanzia (Plan of Action for Infancy) it is possible to find a definition of intercultural society. The Plan was proposed on 14th July 2010, and aims at renewing the Government’s commitment to the construction of an intercultural society defined as “a community that doesn’t relinquish its cultural identity and value system, but intelligently favours processes of integration of both individual and groups of immigrants, defining a project aimed at fostering new relations and interconnections”.


Piano per l’integrazione nella sicurezza. Identità e incontro
National Action-Plan for Infancy,
Cesareo (ed.), The Sixteenth Italian Report on Migrations 2010, McGraw-Hill


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