Indicator history

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Provision of option to learn mother language other than the majority's

Key Area:
Discrimination, Equality
12/03/2012 - 19:01
Short Answer

In a survey assessing schools integration policies, The Economic and Social Research Institute fond that in Ireland:

 “More than half of schools mentioned language support teachers, resource teachers, learning support teachers or subject teachers.”

-Adapting to Diversity: Irish Schools and Newcomer Students (2009)


Qualitative Info

“Current language support practices vary widely and do not always reflect international best practice. The need to provide the necessary language skills for children whose mother tongue is neither Irish nor English and the question of appropriate mother tongue support for the children of newcomers have been highlighted as issues by the National Council of Curriculum and Assessment (see Little, 2003) and by the report by Council of Europe and DES (2007). International research has indicated the importance of mother tongue”

- The Economic and Social Research Institute

Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, Linguistic minorities, Majority, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Political participation, Anti-discrimination, Integration - social cohesion, Daily life
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