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To which groups does the integration strategy apply?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
19/12/2011 - 13:29
Short Answer
Qualitative Info

The report on the National Action Plan on Integration mentions the following groups:

- Individuals: The report says that integration is the duty and responsibility of each individual. Only if all parts concerned show willingness integration can be successful. The positive attitude of all persons living in Austria towards migrants is an important basis for the integration process.

- The state has the duty to provide the framework for successful integration. Being a cross-sectoral issue integration is a responsibility of the state, the federal states and the communities in cooperation with social partners and representatives of civil society.

- Migrants: Migrants have contributed with their work to economic welfare and growth. The integration of migrants into the labour market is a crucial precondition for the further developement of the economy and society.


Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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