What is the general law provision for naturalisation?
- Austria
Under the Law for the Bulgarian Citizenship Bulgarian citizenship can be acquired by persons of at least 18 years old, who had permanent residence permit of at least 5 years, who have not been convicted, who have occupation or income in Bulgaria, have certain proficiency in Bulgarian and who have been repleased from their present citizenship.
In general, the acquisition of citizenship is a discretionary matter of the Minister of Interior.
According to section 44 of the Danish Constitution, no foreigner can obtain Danish citizenship except by act of Parliament.
The provisions regarding Finnish citizenship are found in the Constitution of FInland and the Finnish Nationality Act.
A foreigner may be granted French citizenship on his or her request if he or she has resided in France for at least 5 years on the basis of a residence permit.The grant of citizenship is discretionary even if all conditions are met
- Germany
The main requirement is 7 years of legal stay in the country.
However, the 5.2.2013 decision of Council of State declared unconstitutional the 2010 Citizenship Law (3838/2010) and a new law is expected to be voted on this matter.
Act XLIV of 2010 amending Act LV of 1993 on the Hungarian Nationality.
The laws governing the acquisition of Irish citizenship are set out in primary legislation and supplemented with policy and administrative practices.
For naturalisation the law foresee minimum ten years of legal residence in Italy.
At least 5 years on the basis of a settlement permit, a residence permit for a long-term EC resident or a permanent residence permit.
Law 2/2006 of 17 April 2006 on nationality entered into force on 15 December 2006, together with Decree-law 237/A/2006 of 14 December 2006, and constitutes an amendment to Nationality Law no. 37/81. This new legislation on nationality facilitates the integration of immigrants living in Portugal through naturalisation.
The conditions are prescribed in Art.8 of the Law No.21/1991 regarding Romanian citizenship, amended and republished in Official Journal No.576 of 13.08.2010.
Foreign citizens may acquire Slovenian citizenship by regular, facilitated and exceptional naturalisation.
Civil Code.
Yes. There is a general law provision for naturalisation in Swedish Citizenship Act (Lag om svenskt medborgarskap) Swedish Code of Statutes: SFS 2001:82, with amendments up to and including SFS 2006:222.