Valtioneuvoston periaatepäätös romanipolitiikan linjauksiksi
Goverment's decision-in-principle on policy measures addressing Roma issues specifies what the government will do to improve the situation of Roma in Finland.
A central policy line of the government is that the Ministries shall implement the measures that are assigned to them in the National Policy on Roma within the framework of the appropriations available for the measures. Furthermore, the Government will initiate the following cross-sectoral measures by 31 March 2011:
1. Strengthen the inclusion of the Roma and cooperation structures at the local level
The government supports the setting up of local Roma working groups and development of their activities in municipalities. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has also committed itself to promoting the equal treatment and inclusion of the Roma in municipalities in order to develop the supportive measures and operational practices targeted at the Roma for supplementing social and health services through the National Programme for Social Welfare and Health Care, i.e. the Kaste programme.
2. Promote measures for revival of the Romani language and strengthen its status
The government commits itself to promoting the status of the Romani language and maintaining the language by developing e.g. the prerequisites for its teaching.
3. Promote the Roma children’s and adolescents’ opportunities for participation and for pursuing hobbies
Preparation of measures to promote the Roma children’s and adolescents’ opportunities for participation and pursuing hobbies will be started under the direction of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Advisory Board on Romani Affairs.
4. Carry out a study of the housing situation of the Roma population
The Ministry of the Environment will investigate housing problems of the Roma and consider supportive measures to find suitable solutions to them.
5. Draw up an international strategy for influencing the policies on Roma
A working group appointed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will draw up Finland’s international strategy for influencing policies on Roma by the start of 2011.
6. Start implementation and monitoring of the National Policy on Roma
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will set up a monitoring group for the National Policy on Roma to periodically evaluate its implementation.