Syrjintälautakunnan vuosikertomus 2009
The annual reports of the National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland provide information of the cases examined by the tribunal during the year.
A decision by the National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland has the same legal effect as a judgement by a general Court of law. The powers of the National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland only concern discrimination based on ethnic origin. The National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland may examine cases of discrimination based on ethnic origin, except those involving supervision of the prohibition of discrimination in employment and public service.
The National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland may confirm conciliated settlements between parties or prohibit any continued or repeated behaviour that infringes the prohibition of discrimination or reprisals. The Tribunal may also impose conditional fines to enforce compliance with its decisions, and order a payment of these fines.
A court of law, the Ombudsman for Minorities, other public authorities or voluntary associations may request the opinion of the National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland on the application of the Non-Discrimination Act to any matter of ethnic discrimination.
The National Discrimination Tribunal of Finland does not replace existing legal remedies or review tribunals. The Tribunal does not have the authority to revise the decisions of other public authorities.